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Ole's Early Days in America

An old postcard sent to Ole - this is Toten - the area in Norway
where Ole grew up and where the Grønvold farm was located.
The Ole Wold that Sissel Kjos fell in love with
Ole Peter Martinusen Grønvold
Ole Petter Wold
1885 - 1970
Jakob Martinussen Grønvold
Jack Wold
born 1893
Petronelle Martinussen Grønvold
Nellie Wold Carlsen
born 1897

Five Grønvold children left Norway to emigrate to America:
Ole - 1903, Klaus - 1910, Jakob - 1912, Mads - 1915, and Petronelle - 1915.
The three in the portraits above - Ole, Jakob, and Petronelle - stayed and made new lives.
Mads and Klaus returned to Toten, to their Norwegian family and home.

Ole - back row, third from the left (crooked tie)
The man with the beard to the far right looks a great deal like Martinus.
If it is Martinus, Ole's father, then these two photos may be misplaced.
It may be in Norway, but it's very hard to tell.
Same group, I'm quite sure, as the one to the left.
Ole in the back again, 3rd from the left, standing.
Possibly Martinus to the far right. But men with beards...
some look so alilke, it's hard to distinguish, isn't it?
A young, handsome, lean Ole: hunting... camping... working? I have NO idea who these people are. But I like the image...
This is one of the many glass negatives that
Dad saved that were Ole's.
Beavers of the Scandivanian peninsula suffered extensive overhunting and decline in the 18th century. However,
Norway managed to avoid the extinction of its beavers
by enforcing a legal protection act in 1845.
That means, obviously, that Ole never could hunt beavers in
Norway. So the abundance of beavers in North America
must have overwhelmed him. These two photos show Ole and
the "rewards" of at least one of his hunting expeditions in America.
Ole became a naturalized citizen
7 March 1910
(click on the image for a larger version)